Next-Generation Alloy Technology
Next-Generation Alloy Technology
Reacting rare earth metals (REE) with aluminum via a unique mechanism, in relatively comparable ratios, produce innovative binary monolithic intermetallic matrices that exhibit superior-alloy characteristics, including elevated melting point and enhanced corrosion resistance even in harsh environments. This invention is REE-Al Intermetallics™ Technology.
Rare earth elements (REEs) make up a series of 17 metals with exceptionally similar chemistry and are used in most common and everyday equipment. They are used in electronics components for high tech devices includes smartphones, digital cameras, computer hard disks, fluorescent and light emitting-diode (LED) lights, flat-screen televisions, computer monitors, and other electronic displays. More essential industrial usages of REEs are reaction catalysts, rechargeable batteries, phosphor, in magnets, control rod neutron absorbers for reactors, and alloying. However, REEs direct usage, primarily in these essential industrial applications, such as alloying, permanent magnets, nuclear reactor control rod and pressure vessel material technologies, are inhibited due to their chemically unstable (i.e., reactive) characteristics. Even in cold water, the chemical instability of REEs in their pure form makes them unsuitable for any direct industrial alloy application technologies.
The characteristics of REE-Al innovative intermetallic matrices are vastly improved beyond the REE and aluminum while, optimally, contending with various steel and titanium alloys. As such, the system of alloy series managed and developed at ARA-NEUK LLC, called REE-Al Intermetallics™, possesses high potency for versatile applications. Its utility patent application is under publication, US 2022-0259703 A1. Optimally, the REE-Al family of alloy series is comparable or more advantageous in one way or another to aluminum, steel, and titanium alloys for multiple application technologies, including industrial alloys, nuclear reactors, permanent magnets, and microwave engineering micro-devices.
The impact of ARA-NEUK’s REE-Al Intermetallics™’ innovative alloys can revolutionize the course for the necessary technologies to achieve the goal outlined in the renewed Paris Agreement to address climate change and clean energy. Concerning decarbonization mission, for instance, steel production, in particular, has a colossal carbon footprint; about 1.85 tons of carbon dioxide are produced per ton of steel. Inversely, REE-Al Intermetallics™’s first-of-a-kind production methodology features no carbon emissions as an attractive 'green' option for the steel production carbon footprint.
Multi-beam bright field transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of REE-Al 6200 Intermetallics
The startup entity, ARA-NEUK is a Limited Liability Company that develops and manages the production of innovative advanced materials based on its intellectual property (IP), REE-Al Intermetallics™, with pending status as a US Utility Patent Application claiming International Patent Application priority under the Paris Convention. Vincentian national Dr. Nickie J. Peters is the inventor and technical lead on developing REE-Al Intermertallics™ innovative technology - the alloy technology for the next generation.
ARA-NEUK LLC, named after his next-generation - daughter "Ara", was registered in Columbia, Missouri, USA, on December 30th, 2020, and founded and organized by its CEO, Dr. Nickie J. Peters.
Although ARA-NEUK LLC/ARA-NEUK Technologies is registered in Columbia, Missouri, USA, we proposed to the Vincentian Government, by its Ministry of Investment (INVEST SVG), to establish a subsidiary REE-Aloy™ manufacturing plant on mainland St. Vincent, an island that has the potential for an abundance of carbon-free electric energy. Wherein material production under the pending-patented technology shall also include REE-Al Intermetallics™ ferromagnets, nuclear reactor control-rod materials, nuclear reactor pressure vessel materials, and specialized matrices for microwave engineering application technology.
Having procured an official agreement with the government of St Vincent & the Grenadines, via INVEST SVG, to proceed with a formal proposal for our endeavor, it has supported us in satisfying a critical prerequisite which is identifying and communicating with sources of secure and reliable supplies of high-quality raw materials, namely, rare earth elements (REEs).
Although prototypic REE-Aloy™ technologies have been invented, we welcome funding opportunities to foster industrial production. Therefore, we seek investment possibilities, seed funds, and technical assistance to aid in the research and development and, the local establishment of a pilot manufacturing plant, and the subsidiary plant on mainland St. Vincent.
Commercial agreements shall be mutually beneficial for those entities that invest in ARA-NEUK, whether as future partners, potential customers, or licensees of the various REE-Al Intermetallics™ technologies.
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