Founder of ARA-NEUK, Dr. Nickie J. Peters, expertise is modeling nuclear radiation transport, reactor core dynamics, and criticality systems, nuclear isotope depletion–generation, coupled nuclear radiation transport - isotope depletion and generation systems, non-nuclear and nuclear–coupled heat transfer systems. Dr. Peters has been employed at the Missouri University's (10 Megawatt-thermal) Research Reactor (MURR) for over twelve years and specializes in simulating, analyzing, and predicting the MURR core's dynamic transient and steady-state behaviors using state-of-the-art nuclear radiation transport codes and multi-physics computational software packages . His predictions on various MURR core parameters, including neutron flux, heating rates, isotopic activities, critical control rod positions, and core reactivity coefficients, are documented within 1% – 5% of experimental benchmarks.
Problems, Codes and Computational Software packages:
Nuclear Radiation Transport in Matter : MCNP/MCNPX
Nuclear Criticality Systems: MCNP, Diff-3d
Nuclear Depletion (Isotopes depletion /generation): ORIGEN; REBUS
Nuclear System Depletion (Isotopes depletion /generation): MCNP coupled ORIGEN; MONTEBURNS
Nuclear Data Handling and Processing: NJOY
Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer System: COMSOL Multiphysics Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); MCNP coupled COMSOL CFD
Dr. Nickie J. Peters, completed his Ph.D. at the University of Missouri- Columbia in nuclear and radiochemistry with an emphasis in nuclear engineering, also shared an affiliate faculty position with the University's Nuclear Engineering Department mentoring several graduate students. He has authored several publications in various peer-reviewed journals, including Nature, American Nuclear Society (ANS) journals Nuclear Technology and Nuclear Engineering and Science, Journal of Physics: condensed matter, and Journal of Nuclear Materials. Google Scholar:
Dr. Nickie J. Peters actively peer-review articles in ANS and Elsevier journals and his works are an integral part of the US Department of Energy's (DoE) highly-enriched uranium to low-enriched uranium fuel conversion program, managed by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), division of Material Management and Minimization (M3) for over twelve (12) years.
Nuclear criticality Systems – Reactors cores dynamics; Reactor fuel storage piles; Actinide storage
Nuclear Radiation Systems – Reactor core systems and structures; Radiation transport in the matter; Neutron and gamma sources; Radiation shielding;
Radioactive Sources –Source-term predictions; Dose predictions; Isotope generation– depletion systems;
Nuclear energy deposition and nuclear radiation–heating
Conjugate heat transfer systems– Computational fluid dynamics
Medical radioisotopes –Radionuclide prediction/production